Tuesday, September 11, 2012

As fall grows near

Many are going back to School or college and will need a little help with the heavy school load.

Study Power

Mental Power For Studying to heighten mental power and to increase enthusiasm and determination to overcome obstcles and to meet the day's challengers.

2 drops Pine
2 drops Rosemary
4 drops Lemon

Use in an oil burner to heighten mental power and to increase enthusiasm and determination to overcome obstcles and to meet the day's challengers.

While others plan on solving their finances through other means:

Lottery Dream Powder

Want to dream a little dream that can make you money? Give this a sniff!

Combine these dry herbs equal amounts:

Orris root (or powdered sugar)
With a pinch of: Mugwort

Sprinkle on spell charcoal and burn in a non-metal container before you fall asleep (make sure it's all done burning BEFORE you trip out to the light fantastic).

As SOON as you wake up (no going pee first) - write down any numbers you remember from your dreams (ie saw 3 ducks - write down 3, counted 24 pens, write down 24 and so forth).

It may take a couple of nights to get all the numbers you want to play.


Money Oil

to use with money spells

1/8 Cup base oil of your choice
5 drops Sandalwood
5 drops Patchouli EO
2 drops Ginger EO
2 drops Vetivert EO
1 drop Orange EO

As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma.
Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a
cool, dark place.


Moon Brew

Set a silver container filled with water out on the night of a Full Moon just as it rises.

 Allow the water to soak up lunar rays all night, then just before dawn, rise and retrieve the water.
Place the water in an earthen jug and cork tightly.
Use this brew to anoint money to increase wealth.
Touch it to your brow to promote psychic awareness.
Or place it in the bath prior to lunar rituals to become attuned with the spiritual planes.


Money Drawing Oil

3 drops wood marjoram oil
2 drops lemon oil
2 drops eucalyptus oil

Romanies roll their bills rather than keeping them flat. Smearing the outside bill with money‑Drawing Oil is believed to attract cash.

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