Monday, November 5, 2012

Easy Bath products

Great as gifts and easy to make

Your favorite carrier oil
Your favorite e.o.'s
Dried lavender, orange peel, and rosebuds**
Decorative bottles

Pour the carrier oil into the bottles and add e.o.'s. Add the plant materials
(be generous with these so that the scent will be strong. Gently swirl the
bottle to mix. Place the lid on the decorative bottle and then label.

 Try blending different scents to make it your "own."
These are great for gift-giving. 
Look for interesting decanter bottles at yard sales, antique stores, flea
markets, and thrift shops.


Herbal Baths

ALL PURPOSE AURA CLEANER: Half a cup of sea or Epsom salts plus half
a cup of baking soda dumped in the tub is the potion used to purify
the aura and clear it of all negative attachments so that you are
surrounded by a rainbow of opportunities again.

BARLEY WATER BATH: This is for protection and to dispel evil with a
capital E. This is definitely the one to do if you are feeling
haunted by something that seems unseemly and of supernatural origin.
Boil whole barley until it is soft in a pot. Drain and save the
water. Pour into the bath. Bad spirits will run like hell.

CHAMOMILE: Chamomile not only relaxes you, but you can use it as a
magical bath to draw money to you. Many preparations are available
commercially but you can also make an infusion out of the buds or
even throw the buds directly into the bath. I do not advise this if
you are allergic to ragweed.

CHOCOLATE CHERRY BATH: Ok this one is completely decadent and is
designed to bring more erotic pleasure into your life. First of all
you should know that there are commercial chocolate bubble bath
preparations out there on the market, but they can be somewhat hard
to find in some areas. So what you need to do first, is mix yourself
up a little glass of chocolate milk. The milk is good for your skin
and the chocolate raises your serotonin levels - the pleasure
chemicals in your brain. It also makes the water a very nice loving
looking pink. You dump this into the tub as the hot water is pouring
into the tub and then you pop nine whole cherries into the bath with
you. Then you are supposed to sit there and eat each cherry, while
imagining what a good time you are going to have with your lover.
The little bobbing cherries are like all your "little ducks" lined
up in a row when it comes to your romantic intentions. Rinse off
good after this. You'll need it.

FAME AND GLORY BATH: This one is from Lexa Rosean (author of The
Supermarket Sorceress series of books). I tried it and I LOVED it.
Cut an apple in nine pieces, or alternately throw nine whole shiny
apples into the tub. Use green and golden apples if you want your
fame to come with some money attached. Then add nine bay leaves. Get
in the tub and immerse yourself for exactly nine minutes, and then
get out. It is supposed to be a good one for artists and writers.

GINGER-LIME BATH: You can buy this commercially (made by Ombra).
Which is way easier than grating the ginger, peeling the lime and
making a "bath tea" out of it, or you can cut up some ginger and
lime and make an infusion of it a pot. The ginger is to relax and
focus you and the lime is for self-control, discipline and a clear
head. This is a great bath for those who need to "get down to
business fast."

FRUIT BLOSSOM BATHS: Once again these are available commercially
which will do, but it is really really nice to take a handful of
blossoms from a tree and dump them in your bath. Apple Blossoms,
Apricot Blossoms, Cherry Blossoms and Orange Blossoms all correspond
to the planet Venus and are ideal for attracting love, fidelity and
marriage proposals.

HONEYSUCKLE: You can buy this as a bubble bath or once again, just
throw the flowers into the tub. Honeysuckle attracts wealth, riches,
honours, marriage proposals and treasures. This is one way to draw
the bird to the blossom. It also honours Chuparosa - the Divine
Hummingbird of Love.

HOPS: You can buy hops in a commercially prepared bubble bath
(OMBRA) or you can pour half a cup of beer in the bath for spiritual
cleansing (and also a peaceful sleep.) David from Psychic Realm
suggests combining a half a cup of sea salt, the juice of a lemon
and a half of cup of beer for spiritual purification and protection
from astral attack.

LAVENDER: Lavender corresponds to the planet Mercury and is used to
improve communication, attract happiness and achieve piece of mind.
It is also a very seductive flower that was used by prostitutes as a
magic charm to attract customers many years ago. Many commercial
preparations are available, but throwing in a few of the live buds
might bring you a wealthy and generous lover.

OAT BEAUTY BATH: OK, most of us don't live near a field, but if you
gather your own oats and throw the sheaves into the bathtub with
you, you are performing a significant act of magical transformation.
Oats are very feminine and appeal to the Goddess energies. They
soften the skin, make the eyes glow and give you a youthful
appearance. You can throw a cup of raw, uncooked oats into the bath
if you're in hurry or you can buy a commercial preparation. Aveeno
makes a good one.

ORANGE AND MINT LEAVES: This is a bath to make yourself more
attractive and your skin smell really nice. Take nine mint leaves
and nine orange segments and dump them in the bath with you. You
don't have to eat the mint and orange leaves this time (thank God)
but you can if you get hungry.) When you get out of the bath, you
are not supposed to rinse off, just towel yourself off lightly so
that the scent lingers. You could also try mixing an orange bath gel
with a mint one.

PINEAPPLE: Pineapple juice is used to bring luck, money and wealth,
and if you are a savage purist, you can throw nine chunks of the raw
stuff right in your bath. However I warn you, that it is pretty
messy. Some people prefer to throw in the dried rinds. Just adding a
spoonful of the juice or making an infusion from the dried rinds and
immersing yourself from head to toe in it for a couple of minutes
should make you luckier than a leprechaun.

ROSE: Roses correspond to Venus and attract love, luck and
protection. There are tons of rose-scented products on the market,
including essential oils - though David from Psychic Realm points
out that Essential Rose Oil is incredibly expensive and you may want
to stick with fragrance oils used in perfumes and baths. If you want
to go all out and make yourself a powerful love attracting bath,
tint the scented water pink with a touch of food colouring and cast
a pinch or two some multicoloured glitter (from a craft store) in
there to strengthen your magical intentions.

ROSEMARY: Rosemary is a powerful "wish granting" herb. Ombra makes
an excellent commercial bath, but you can make an infusion of this
from the spice jar in your cupboard or put a bit of the essential
oil in your bath (but make it just one drop - rosemary is strong and
can irritate the skin - so I mean it, use one drop!) A bath in
rosemary uplifts the spirits and is used to create lust, attract
love and improve communication skills. It is also corresponds to the
Virgin Mary, so if you are in need of a lucky break, a bath in this
may enable you to be shown some mercy.

SAFFRON BATH: Saffron was sacred to the Moon and Fertility Goddess,
Ashtoreth. Saffron is a very expensive spice and you need to only
add a couple of strands to your bath water to turn it a yellow
color. Don't add too much or you will turn yellow. You'll be a
jaundiced colour. So either make an infusion from it first or just
add one strand. Saffron was used to purify oneself before healing
rituals, increase psychic powers and also attract love, happiness,
lust, and strength.

SAGE BATH: Sage is an herb of wisdom. Make a brew of the herb and
pour it into your bath. Some companies (like Ombra and Kniepp) make
a sage bath, but you can also just buy the tea bags. This is a good
bath to take just before studying for a test or if you are trying to
find a solution to a problem.

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