Tuesday, November 20, 2012

More Insect repellents

Here are some files I have for ants, insects and may work for roaches too, Some are for indoors, some out, but one may work, and all are safe.

Ant-Repellent Herb and Soap Spray

Ants herd aphids, mealybugs and scale, acting as hosts so they can harvest the other insects' secretions, commonly called honeydew. Control the ants with this spray and you'll inhibit these other common pests.

1/2 cup fresh tansy leaves
1/2 cup fresh santolina leaves
1 quart boiled water
1 tablespoon Murphy's Oil Soap™
10 drops vetiver essential oil

Add herbs to boiled water, cover and steep until infusion is cool.

Strain out herbs. Stir in soap and vetiver oil.

Before use, shake mixture well, then filter it into a sprayer. Spray ant trails, counters, soil surfaces or wherever ants are a problem

At the Bar-B- Que Insect Repellent

(BirchhillHappening s.com)

Pennyroyal – 10 drops
Eucalyptus Lemon – 10 drops
Cedarwood – 10 drops
Geranium – 10 drops
Citronella – 5 drops
Emulsifier - 1 teaspoon
Distilled Water – 4 ounces

Blend essential oils well in PET plastic bottle then add 1 teaspoon Emulsifier. Mix thoroughly. Then add the distilled water and shake well. Spray around the area as often as needed.

Great places to spray – under chairs, benches and tables. Around plants and their pots, other outdoor garden areas that insects like to hide. Spray around doorways and window openings. Note: use caution and spray only a light mist. Essential oils have been known to dissolve paint and other finishes and so do not saturate the areas – just a light mist.



Hot Sauce
Ground cinnamon
Red pepper flakes


Dilute hot sauce in water.
Add dash of cinnamon.
Add tsp. of red pepper flakes.
Put in spray bottle.

How to Make Natural Insect Repellent
By HS Schulte

You can make natural insect repellent. Deet, the main ingredient in most commercial repellents is a health risk. Personally, I would rather get bitten than use Deet. But, there is another option. Follow the steps below and make some natural insect repellent without the health risk.

Peppermint essential oil
Eucalyptus essential oil
Citronella essential oil
Distilled water or Cooking oil

Decide if you want a spray or rub on repellent. To make a spray repellent, you will use 1/3 cup of distilled water. To make a rub on repellent, you will use 1/3 cup of cooking oil. Olive oil is my preference. Pour the oil or water into the bottle. Step2Add 20 drops of each essential oil. Peppermint, eucalyptus and citronella all have properties that repel certain pests. This combination of oils is almost fool proof to repel the majority of pests. Step3Shake well. After adding the essential oils to the bottle, cover with a lid and shake. Shake each time you are ready to use the mixture to ensure the oils a mixed and distributed evenly before applying. Step4Enjoy being pest free without concern of warnings, cautions and health hazards which are disclosed on the back of most commercial bug repellents.


Using Essential Oils in your Garden

Thyme and Lavender are great at protecting All vegetables in the garden.

For plants infested with insects, use one of the following
Essential oils to make a solution.

Fill a mist spray bottle with 4 oz. Of water, Add essential oils, a drop or two of Liquid dish washing soap and shake well.

Mist the infested plant with the solution.

Use as little as possible. Several applications, a few days apart,
May be necessary.

Spearmint Oil : ants, aphids, caterpillars, black flea, Beetle, gnats, lice, moths, and plant lice.

Peppermint Oil : ants, aphids, bean beetle, cabbage Root fly, caterpillars, black flee beetle, flies, lice, moths, and Plant lice.

Lemongrass Oil : black flea beetle, fleas, mosquitoes, And ticks.

Idaho Tansy Oil : black fly, carrot fly, fleas, flies, greenfly, Mosquitoes, and white fly.

Hyssop Oil : aphids, cabbage root fly, moths, and Slugs.

Thyme Oil : bean beetle, cabbage root fly, cutworm, And ticks.

Sage Oil: cabbage root fly, cutworm, nematodes, Ticks, & white fly.

Rosemary Oil : cabbage root fly and carrot fly.

Patchouli Oil : gnats, snails, weevils, and woolly Aphids.

Pine Oil : slugs, snails, and woolly aphids.

Sandalwood weevils and woolly aphids.

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