Monday, November 5, 2012

Herbs for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COPD is a degenerative lung disease that usually develops after
many years of exposure to cigarette smoke or other toxins that
pollute the air. COPD's also include asthma and chronic bronchitis
that interfere with normal breathing. It is a disease of slow
suffocation. The tiny air sacs in the lungs become damaged and lose
their ability to transfer oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide
out of it. As a result the lungs function poorly. The main symptom
of COPD is shortness of breath and the feeling of not being able to
get enough air during any kind of physical exertion or activity. The
shortness of breath becomes worse as the condition progresses. As
the struggle to breath properly the chest becomes barrel shaped. In
advanced COPD a person may require supplemental oxygen and be unable
to tolerate even small amounts of physical activity.
Smoking also causes the vast majority of cases of a closely
related condition, chronic bronchitis. In chronic bronchitis, the
tiny hairs that line the respiratory tract lose their ability to
sweep out the mucus. Uncleared mucus becomes thick and sticky, and
it accumulates, becoming an emphysema respiratory infection or
irritant. The combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis is
known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. COPD is the fourth
leading cause of death in the United States, behind heart aliments.
The best way to deal with Emphysema or COPD is to quit smoking as
soon as possible, Once diagnosed COPD or Emphysema is non-
reversible. Remaining lung function can be maximized by avoiding
irritants and by using supplemental oxygen and other herbs or
medicines. Herbs that can help thin mucus or clear the lungs are
very helpful.

Chlorophyll, Zinc, COQ10, Pycnogenol, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and
Vitamin E. Take as directed.


Astragalus: Accelerates healing in the bronchial tubes and promotes
better breathing. Increases metabolism, produces spontaneous
sweating, promotes healing and provides energy. Good for colds, flu,
and immune deficiency related problems including AIDS, cancer and
tumors. Effective for chronic lung weakness.

Alfalfa: Alkalizes and detoxifies the body. Acts as a diuretic, anti-
inflammatory, and antifungal. Lowers cholesterol, balances blood
sugar and hormones, and promotes pituitary gland function. Good for
anemia, arthritis, ulcers, disorders of the bones and joints,
digestive system and skin.

Fenugreek: Acts as a laxative, lubricates the intestines, and
reduces fever. Helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, Helps
asthma and sinus problems by reducing mucus. Good for the eyes and
for inflammation and lung disorders.

Mullein: Acts as a laxative, painkiller, and sleep aid. Clears
congestion. Useful for asthma, bronchitis, difficulty breathing.
earache, hay fever, and swollen glands.

Rosemary: Fights free radicals, inflammation, bacteria, and fungi,
Relaxes the stomach, stimulates circulation and digestion, and acts
as an astringent and decongestant. Improves circulation to the
brain. Also helps detoxify the liver, and has anticancer and
antitumor properties. Good for circulatory problems. Can be used for
antiseptic gargle.

Peppermint: Increases stomach acidity aiding digestion.
Anesthetizes mucous membranes. Also used for flavoring the tea.

Recommendations: Do not use tobacco in any form. Eat a diet of 50
percent raw foods. Eat soups, skinless chicken or turkey, fish brown
rice, mullet, and whole grain cereals. Try to eat garlic or onions
daily if you can. Do not eat a typical American breakfast. Try
sipping hot, clear liquids (such as herbal teas), in the morning to
help clear the air passages. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per
day. Do not eat fried and greasy foods, salt and all foods that
cause excess mucus to be formed in the tracts, lungs, or nasal
cavities. Stay away from these foods, meats, eggs, and all dairy
products, cheese's, processed foods, tobacco, junk foods, and white
flour products. Do not eat cabbage. Avoid foods that require a lot
of chewing. Get daily exercise if possible. Humidify your home if
possible. Go on a cleansing fast using carrot, celery, spinach, kale
and all dark g reen fresh juices. Rest and avoid stress. Try to get
plenty of fresh air.

Making Herbal Teas: Use two teaspoon of herbs or one tea bag per cup
of water (distilled water if possible). Place in a glass container
and heat for approximately 3 minutes. Let steep for 4-5 minutes and
strain through a tea strainer or a paper towel. A lot of people like
to use a coffee maker. You can also use the herb ingredients a
second time and still get some of the medicinal values from them. If
you strain through a tea strainer you seem to get some of the
sediments, although they also have a lot of medicinal values in them
also. Garnish with honey, or whatever you want to use. Enjoy.

Always consult your health care provider or physician before using
herbs or herbal teas.


  1. These tips are very useful I'd try some of these tips 24 hours ago and I have some mistakes on making herbal teas, :) but I will try to make my own invasion. legalherbalonline

  2. I was introduced to RICH HERBS FOUNDATION (ww w. richherbsfoundation. c om) and their successful COPD Herbal Formula protocol 10 months ago. Since my COPD diagnosis 7 years ago, i have tried several medications and inhalers, nothing gave me better relief from the severe breathlessness and constant coughing till i started on this COPD Herbal Protocol from RHF. Its been 3 months since i completed the treatment protocol, all my symptoms are gone and i feel just alive again.
