Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Seaweed lotion

This is especially soothing during the hot summer months.

Makes a wonderful night cream as well as for hands and body.

The perfect addition to any spa gift basket

1 tablespoon powdered Irish moss (seaweed)
1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons almond oil

Mix well; store in tightly covered jar in refrigerator. This is
especially soothing during the hot summer months


Lavender peppermint Lotion

Great for cold and flu season, eczema, shingles, scabies, and sunburn while helping with circulation and the immune system. This great for eczema even on your face.

- 3/4 c cocoa butter
- 1/8 c vtiamin e
- 1 tsp lecithin
- 1 c distilled water, aloe vera juice or rosewater
- 1 Tbsp beeswax
- 15 drops lavender essential oil
- 15 drops peppermint essential oil
- 1 tsp vitamin a and d oitment
- optional: add 2 drops each of red and blue food
coloring to make it a pale purple color
1. In a glass measuring cup add oil and beeswax. Put the measuring cup into a pan of water - the water needs to go at least 1/2 way up the outside of the measuring cup. Heat until the beeswax melts. Remove cup from pan. Cool a little but do not let the beeswax harden. Test by carefully putting finger in the wax mixture. It should not be uncomfortable, and a film of wax should form at the edge. Pour luke warm water into a blender - remove center ring with blender on high speed and slowly add the oil and beeswax mixture add the Lecithin and vitamin E. It is best to use a wide mouth funnel to keep splattering to a minimum. The temperature of the oil and how steady the oil is poured will have some bearing on the finished product.
2. once incorperated pour into large jar. wait 24 hours. check to see if too thick and add more water if needed.
3. NOTES: Lecithin typically combines best with the oil in an emulsion, but is highly effective in both water- and oil-based emulsions. Lecithin has natural humectant properties, drawing moisture from the air and depositing it on the skin, as well as the ability to help ingredients penetrate better. This makes it an ideal emulsifier for anti-aging products for drier, more mature skin.
4. NOTES: Lavender is used for aching muscles, acne, bugs & bacteria, burns, cuts & wounds, earache, eczema, fatigue, fevers, giddy spells, pulpitations, headache, insomnia, long haul travel, menstrual cramps, moths & mosquitoes, sandflies, scabies, shingles, sinusitis, stress & anxiety and sunburn.
5. NOTES: Peppermint is Antibacterial/Antifungal.The soothing and cooling nature of menthol makes peppermint oil a good candidate for controlling pain and itchiness from rashes and other skin conditions. peppermint oil can make the immune system stronger and healthier. It also Improves Circulation opens blood vessels as it relaxes smooth muscle. This supposedly makes it easier for blood to flow more efficiently.

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